Spring Summer 2026 Key Colors

We are at the beginning of the New Year next Lineapelle Trend Show is approaching, and we are already working on the new collection for Spring/Summer 2026.
Here you can see the key colors, and we reserve the right to show you the complete collection at the show.
These Spring Summer 2026 color trends reflect a dynamic blend of bold and soothing hues, capturing the spirit of a world in flux.
The colors identified by Coloro and WGSN for Spring Summer 2026 are: Transformative Teal, Electric Fuchsia, Blue Aura, Amber Haze, and Jelly Mint.
For Dercosa tannery, these colors represent the reflection of the present life, as changing as the world of fashion. And of course we include them in our Color ranges, enhancing the shades with the brilliance of our Suedes.
To continue innovating, and to reflect on the latest fashion trends in our materials.